- I finished work before Christmas a little earlier than previous years because of a few extra holiday days I needed to take off work. Rather than lose them I’ve spent three relaxing days to myself before the boys finished school.
- It also meant I could browse my way around a half-empty John Lewis to finish my in-person Christmas shopping. Just me and the old folk. I’m done 🎉
- It was youngest son C’s turn for his school nativity play, this time at the village church. They combined years two and six: the older children singing in a choir and doing readings, the younger ones dressed up as Mary, Joseph, et al. C was an excellent third innkeeper who offered his stable. A few too many songs, lessons and prayers for this atheist, but I suppose I was sitting in a church at Christmastime.
- More in line with my idea of seasonal festivities was drinks with friends’ families on Friday evening at Simon’s. Our children are all getting bigger and staying up later, although the late finish meant ours were very tired the next morning. A quiet day on the sofa watching films and football was the answer.